Category: Commercial Law

If you are in the market for a new vehicle, make sure that you are in the driver's seat. Lemon law attorney Dani Liblang wants you to have the best possible purchasing experience. Here are some of the most important factors you should be aware of when buying a new car. Do your homework to get the best deal.

"Subprime auto loans are often treachery," said Dani Liblang, principle of The Liblang Law Firm, Birmingham. Liblang filed court charges against a used car dealer who bilked a customer with a "dirty Durango deal" and continues to fight against resolution for almost two years.

Research internet car deals before you leap. With students throughout Michigan receiving cash for graduation, the temptation to buy a used car online is intoxicating. The number of deals are plentiful and availability spreads across the U.S.A. with the click of a mouse. But there's a danger of buying in haste and repenting in leisure, according to Dani Liblang, founder of The Liblang Law Firm P.C.